Wednesday, June 10, 2015
American Thinker - Jeff Lipkes - Multiculturalist Intolerance: Why Can't a Woman be More Like a Man? - Some say we have never been more divided since the Civil War / War Between the States. --tma
Multiculturalist Intolerance: Why Can't a Woman be More Like a Man?
Several years ago, an occasional contributor to American Thinker, John Kenneth Press, shared with readers a letter he had just received from a good friend, whom he called Sandra. This was a “Dear John” letter, but with a difference. Sandra did not now wish to see another guy, nor had she discovered that John was seeing someone else. She was terminating the relationship, she told John, on political grounds: his conservatism was unacceptable to her as “a global citizen.”
This was, Press wrote, “one of the most painful letters I have ever received.” Sandra and he had been very close. For 3 ½ years they had been the only students in their doctoral program cohort—which appears to have been, from Sandra’s prose, in education.
The letter elicited over 300 reader comments (no longer viewable, unfortunately). Many readers shared similar experiences. One of the most poignant was from a doctor who had been denied access to his grandchild by his own daughter because he was a conservative. He beliefs were presumably infectious. ...
It might be nice, as the writer says, to just not talk about politics, however people on the Left tend to think that they are not ideologues, but rather simply represent what all modern enlightened people believe. The last thing they want to do is actually debate you with facts, but if you hang out with them, they will make frequent comments, often meant as sophisticated humorous quips, that have an underlying political agenda. Sadly, even as a guy, I've found it just isn't worth it. The positive side is that you can spend time with friends who do not want to destroy Western civilization and are not completely unmoved by things like massive Black-on-White violence against their own people. I mean, why would we be that desperate to have friends such as these?