Friday, July 24, 2015

Gregory Hood - American Renaissance: What is a Cuckservative? - "The original definition of cuckold–a man who raises the offspring of another–comes to mind when we think of conservatives’ apparent glee at the replacement of Americans with ethnocentric Third Worlders. But the moral calculus of men like Mr. Lewis and Mr. Erickson reflects a deeper perversion. Like the man who begs to watch as he is cuckolded, they reframe the reality of inferiority as a kind of weird proof of superiority. Their own degradation is proof of their imagined virtue and make-believe power."

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What is a Cuckservative?
“Fighting words” from the Dissident Right.
The main issues in American politics are mass immigration, demographic change, and the new Culture War against implicit symbols of white identity. A celebrity businessman is now the leading GOP candidate for president only because of his banal truism that illegals from Mexico commit crimes. The overwhelmingly white base of the Republican Party is coping with the brutal reality that European-Americans will be a minority in the country they created. Even the Left is gripped in internecine warfare as an older generation of white progressives grapple with a multicultural monster of its own creation, as minority activists would rather agitate about “white privilege” than suffer through boring speeches about jobs or infrastructure.
The racial question is at the center of American politics and culture. Every new controversy or scandal simply reveals a new facet of the issue racially conscious whites have been debating for decades.
At a time when the Republican Party ostensibly controls Congress, President Obama is unilaterally enacting racially charged policies on immigrationhousing, and law enforcement that will have incalculable consequences for ordinary Americans–and there has been no real resistance from the majority party. ...