Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Liberty GB - Ben Walker - Neighbors from Hell: What Diversity and Integration Mean to Me - UK version of Obama 'seeding' White communities with Muslim refugees and inner-city Blacks? --tma

My neighbourhood used to be nice. I live in what was considered to be a good area in a relatively expensive flat. A few days ago one of my neighbours assaulted one of the other residents with an iron bar. This took place in broad daylight with a number of witnesses. The police were called and took statements. They have come to know my area well over these past two years.
What happened? Why did my formerly lovely neighbourhood change? I now live next door to a man who has kicked the doors in his flat in half and torn the wallpaper off the walls, and yells abuse at his girlfriend when they are outside. I assume he lives there as part of our government's policy of 'integrating' the 'disadvantaged' people in our society. I would certainly be shocked if it turns out that he is a bank manager or an engineer.
On paper the idea of moving drug addicts and people who are third generation unemployed into areas where people work hard sounds like a good idea. Except in reality it isn't. Take my neighbour who has vandalised the free flat he was given. There is precisely zero chance that we will drag him up, but every chance that his behaviour (and the growing number of residents here who are like him) will drag this neighbourhood down. His actions and behaviour give him results - he gets free stuff from the government, and all he has to do is remember to vote on election day for the people who continue to give him free stuff. What possible incentive can he have to ever change?
Among my other neighbours are people who think it is the height of hilarity to play their music loud and throw rubbish into the gardens.
The smell of marijuana as you approach my building would probably make you gag.
There have been increased burglaries here. I have Muslim neighbours who pray for my demise (I happen to be very familiar with their culture and what they pray for), as well as some hostile Romanians, and a fairly equal distribution of other nationalities, so I guess the diversity has been evenly applied.
Who do I have to thank for all this diversity and integration? Our current government, of course. ...