Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 2, 2015
Update September 3: The world is beginning to notice! More here.
And, why is the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) completely silent on this glaring hypocrisy? Muslim countries who brag about their Islamic compassion (see this post from 2009 where the UNHCR had the nerve to suggest that it is Islam—Shariah law!—that first welcomed the stranger and not Christian or Jewish charity) do not allow their co-religionists to live among them.
Once in awhile over the last many years, we see a story like this one where someone dares to ask why rich Arab countries like Saudi Arabia get away with this—with importing cheap domestic labor while not “welcoming” a single Syrian Muslim refugee.
From The Interpreter (emphasis is mine):
The humanitarian tragedy unfolding daily in Europe has forced the West to again try and redefine its obligations to those who have been made vulnerable as a result of conflict in the Middle East, particularly the Syrian civil war.
But it may also have stirred a desire to question why the burden is shared by so few countries. In particular, why are wealthy Gulf countries still able to salve their consciences by donating money to UN agencies, along with weapons to Syrian rebels, while at the same time refusing to sign the UN Refugee Convention or accept any refugees for resettlement.
It seems to be no great sacrifice for them to open their doors to fellow Arab Muslims, allow them to settle in their countries, and in due course become citizens.
There is something intrinsically wrong when Saudi Arabia can source 1.5 million people to act as domestic help, and a country like Bahrain can issue visas for more than 33,000 housemaids, and yet they can’t even resettle one Syrian refugee.
There is more at The Interpreter including links and a humorous (sort of) cartoon.
The answer to our question seems pretty obvious to me—the Gulf States want to maintain their racial and cultural superiority (LOL! NO multiculturalism for them!), they are racists, and they would like the West to be further Islamized via migration. We apparently are dumb enough to acquiesce!
And, by the way, Saudi Arabian money is building mosques in America. They know what they are doing! ...