Saturday, December 10, 2016

CEC - Duchesne: Canada Spiraling Out of Control - Canadian liberals forgot their Brit-Euro identity was the one political concept holding their liberal nation together.

Life in the 1940s

Canada had strong collective ethnic markers before WWII/1960s, with immigration policies that excluded ethnic groupings deemed to be an existential threat to the "national character." But as a liberal nation, Canada had a weak sense of the political, a weak understanding of the actual way the nation was founded, by a people with a strong Anglo-Quebecois identity rooted in a territory set up against potential enemy groupings. Instead, Canadian leaders imagined their nation to be a contractual creation by individuals seeking security, comfort and liberty. This is why they were highly susceptible to the new normative climate that emerged after WWII. 

This normative climate, as explained in Part 1, consisted of four key claims: 

  1. the idea that Western nations should be based on civic values alone, pure liberal rights, rather than any form of ethnic identity prioritizing one ethnic group over another in the nation's character,
  2. the notion that races are not real and that it would make no difference, accordingly, to populate Western nations with multiples races,
  3. romanticizing Third World peoples as victimized humans in need of Western sympathy and promotion, and
  4. the idea that Western liberal rights, if they are to be truly liberal, must be extended to all humans regardless of nationality.
These claims had been articulated by intellectuals before WWII, but it was only after this war that they took a firm hold over Western civilization.  ...