Monday, December 5, 2016

Independent: Last world leader standing: The photo that shows just how much the world has changed in 2016


And then there was one. --Drudge

Interesting that everyone else is laughing while Obama looks like he is about to beat-down David Cameron. 'Hey, did you just dis me, bro?!' 

An image of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, America’s outgoing President Barack Obama, Italy’s newly resigned Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and former British Prime Minister David Cameron speaks volumes about the turmoil seen in world politics over the course of this year.
The picture was taken in April this year at a G5 summit, but only one of these world leaders is still in a position of power and also seeking another term in office in the next year following a series of shocking events, from the UK voting to leave the European Union to Italy voting against constitutional reform, resulting in the resignation of two European prime ministers in the space of six months. ...