Wednesday, February 14, 2018

AmRen - Gregory Hood: ‘Vodou’ Rituals Target Children - Kids get burned, raped, killed yet MSM warn of nonexistent White backlash

Media worry about backlash.
Boston was once the center of American Puritanism, a metropolis founded by flinty descendants of Pilgrim Fathers. Today, it plays host to a community that brutalizes children in the name of a “religion” many regard as devil worship, but in the eyes of the media, it’s the “backlash,” not the violence, that is to be feared.
According to police, a woman named Latasha Sanders recently murdered her two sons, ages eight and five, as part of a Vodou ritual. (“Vodou” is the preferred spelling, by the way, for what goes on in Haiti. This is to distinguish it from Louisiana Voodoo, which is slightly different, and is supposed to cleanse the word of the “negative connotations” of “voodoo.”) Latasha’s mother claims Miss Sanders was obsessed with the Illuminati and believed that human sacrifice could improve her status.
This was not the only Vodou-driven abuse of children in Massachusetts in recent days. Two women, both of Haitian descent, are charged with giving third-degree burns to a five-year-old girl and threatening to cut off her eight-year-old brother’s head with a machete. One of the women claims she had previously performed the ritual successfully for friends. ...