Monday, February 19, 2018

VDare - Kirkpatrick: Russian Meddling Case Shows Americans Won’t Tolerate Foreigners Messing In Our Elections! (Unless They’re Mexican, Israeli, Saudi, Chinese…) - Russia was so pro-Trump it organized anti-Trump events, boosted Sanders and Stein and supported BLM

The world’s sole superpower won’t bother you if you illegally occupy our territory and parade under foreign flags, but God help you if you publish an illegal meme. The increasingly ludicrous Robert Muellerinvestigation has charged thirteen Russians with violating electoral laws after they allegedly pretended to be Americans, promoted phony news stories and ran troll social networking accounts [Takeaways from Robert Mueller’s indictment of Russian nationals who meddled in presidential electionby Ray Locker and Richard Wolf, USA Today, February 16, 2018]. This sudden Main Stream Media interest in preventing foreign interference in American elections gives President Trump an opportunity—which no other political figure has the courage to seize.
The Russian effort was not simply “pro-Trump.” They also allegedly organized rallies against Trump once he was elected, tried to boost Bernie Sanders and the Green Party’s Jill Stein, and tried to exploit “radical groups… and oppositional social movements” including Black Lives Matter. [Here are the biggest takeaways from the Russia indictmentsby Jennifer Williams, Vox, February 16, 2018] ...