Friday, July 6, 2018

RRW: For first time in 3 decades US takes fewer refugees than the rest of the world combined - First time in 3 decades US destroying its culture, economy, environment a little less empty-headedly than the rest of the world combined --tma

I’m just shaking my head… here we have the biased publication, The Hill, posting a news story (designed to whack the President) that basically says it is shameful that the US is not taking more refugees than the rest of the world COMBINED!
I bet many new readers here never even knew that we have been taking more refugees than the rest of the world COMBINED. To hear the Open Borders yappers, you were probably thinking that Germany, Turkey, Jordan, or Lebanon could claim that honor.
However, remember, that those migrants who flooded into countries in Europe and others in the Middle East will not be staying permanently, and most will not become voting citizens of those countries.
Until Donald Trump, the US has admitted permanent refugees at a rate higher than the rest of the world COMBINED.
So isn’t time for us to take a break? ...