Saturday, July 13, 2019

VDARE: The Heirs Of MAGA—Who Will Lead Historic American Nation After Trump? - Looks at Cotton, Cruz and 4 others - "The real leader of the American Right today ... Tucker Carlson"

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Overall, President Donald Trump has disappointed patriots but he’s still set in motion a Republican transformation that can’t be stopped.  The top concerns for GOP voters now: building the wall and limiting legal and illegal immigration. Serious Republican candidates for office now have to talk about immigration to maintain grassroots credibility—or else, like Justin Amash, quit before they are fired [Justin Amash Officially Quits House Republicans and Steps Down From Committee Seatby Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason, July 9, 2019]. 
Rather than being a revolutionary candidate, President Trump may have just been a transitional one, between the old conservative Republicans of the past and the New National Conservatism (nothing to do with the neutered version now frantically peddled by Yoram Hazony et al) of the future. New leaders are emerging to take up the MAGA mantle—and old leaders are adapting.
Here, in order of least promising to most promising, are my predictions of the heirs to MAGA. ...