Thursday, July 11, 2019

WaEx: Illegal immigrant population to surge 10% this year, flood schools - Reminds one of 2914 'kids' surge, some kids placed in school had gray hair streaks. Icing on cake? Illegal for schools to ask their age. --tma

The continued surge of Latin American illegal immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border will lead to hundreds of thousands being released into the country, increasing the already massive population of migrants by some 10%, according to a new analysis.
“We anticipate more than 700,000 migrants will successfully enter the country, increasing the unauthorized Hispanic population by nearly 10%,” said the influential Princeton Policy Advisors.
What’s more, wrote the group’s president Steve Kopits in a memo provided to Secrets, “By year end, nearly 300,000 migrant children are expected to enter the U.S. Over time, these will show up in the U.S. public school system.” ...