Tuesday, June 23, 2020

American Thinker - Is Antifa Fascist?


Antifa’s founding can be traced back to 2007 in Portland and the Rose City Antifa group. Prior to 2016, the group’s activities were limited to harassing neo-Nazi gatherings and doxing white supremacists. But that changed in 2016 after the election of Donald Trump, when the group declared a national emergency.

Rose City Antifa has a website full of information about the group. In their FAQ (frequently asked questions) section, they admit that fascism can be difficult to define as all fascist movements do not have the same features. They utilize a definition of fascism that is based on a cluster of traits, so that a specific definition is never mentioned. While a movement may not have every one of these traits, if there is a preponderance (a specific number is never defined but we can believe that it’s two or more) then Antifa will classify that movement or group as fascist. By these criteria, Antifa clearly is fascist. ...