Saturday, June 27, 2020

Visa has blacklisted GAB - including the CEO and all members of his family - I guess 'free enterprise' in today's monopoly America means we are free to be just like Communist China --tma

Gab has been blacklisted by Visa for “promoting hate speech.” 
Gab does no such thing. This is like saying Google “promotes hate speech” because you can search racial slurs on their search engine and get results. Gab is a neutral technology platform. We follow the law, have an excellent relationship with law enforcement, and have a clear set of community guidelines that detail what is allowed on our website and what is not. 

The bottom line is that Gab is not controlled and cannot be controlled by the oligarchic elite who are working to overthrow our counties and infect them with communism. 
It’s no coincidence that Katie Hopkins was banned from Twitter today, Zerohedge and The Federalist had their comment sections censored by Google, and VDARE is getting banned by their domain registrar. All of this is coordinated. It’s targeted. 

Where is the President? Where is Congress? ...