Saturday, March 1, 2014

Melanie Oubre: Drought, Population Growth, and Big-Ag: California's Future Looks Bleak - "Big business lobbies and many politicians argue that we need steady population growth (even more than we’re doomed to have with current policies) to ensure our economic well being. But, how will we be better if California is a desert and the rest of the country is paying for it?"

Drought, Population Growth, and Big-Ag: California's Future Looks Bleak

If you were to do a quick Google news search of “California drought and population growth” you’d be lucky to find more than a few passing statements buried deep within articles that are regurgitating the same information.  All of the news coverage on the devastating drought focuses on short-term problems and shallow solutions.

Most writing about the drought assume that population growth is a factor that won’t help California’s water shortage.  Unfortunately, I have yet to find any news coverage that attempts to come up with real solutions to rapid population growth in the West.  Nor have I read any statements from our elected officials addressing the population subject.  Our “leaders,” however, have been quick to come up with multi-million dollar plans aimed at helping the victims of drought in the short term. No one is tackling the long-term problem of our never-ending population growth. . . . .