Oakland’s Gentrification Wars Expose Democratic Coalition’s Contradictions
Gentrification seems to have halted the transformation of Oakland CA into just another Third World disaster like Detroit MI, Baltimore MD, or Camden NJ. But unfortunately for those trying to return a great metropolis to the civilized world, racially-motivated black radicals are doing their best to ensure Oakland remains a dysfunctional Chocolate City.
Oakland was notorious in the late 1960s as the birthplace of theBlack Panther Party. After that thinly-disguised criminal gangcollapsed, blacks abandoned the pretense of opposition to the system and achieved political power with the election of Lionel J. Wilson, Oakland's first black mayor and close ally of the Panthers. [The Role of the Black Panthers in Oakland Politics, . By J. Douglas Allen-Taylor, Race, Poverty, and the Environment, Spring 2010]
But since then, paradoxically, liberal whites empowered by Google, Facebook, and radical environmentalism have retaken the Bay Area in a campaign of ethnic cleansing far more effective than anything dreamed of by the Klan. . . .