Saturday, March 22, 2014

Regarding Republican Pollster Bill McInturff: Conservatives Fear Discrimination Against Whites (Only the willfully blind or the insane would think otherwise, since 'affirmative action' and anti-White violent crime are already pandemic.)

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South African 'Rainbow Nation'

Conservatives Fear Discrimination Against Whites

"They don't know what's coming." That's what Republican pollster Bill McInturff told the Wall Street Journal this week about the demographic wave threatening to swamp his party. McInturff is enormously respected -- indeed, one of the most highly regarded pollsters in U.S. politics. But in this particular instance, he's wrong. They do know it's coming. In fact, many think it's already here.
In June and July, Latino Decisions conducted a national poll for the Center for American Progress and PolicyLink. The poll's sample was especially large -- 2,943 adults, including 1,319 non-Hispanic whites. In one question, respondents were asked to give their "best guess" about the percentage of racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. population. . . .
     Francis Wilkinson seems to be all over the place, but, of course, ends on the required PC mantra of Celebrate Diversity! The polls are interesting, but why is the fact that most racial groups already see the non-White population as an even greater percentage than it is today relevant to a demographic trend that will inexorable mean lower and lower and lower percentages of Whites, and whether that will mean greater and greater anti-White discrimination? Which of course it will.

     As others have pointed out, the most important factor in comparing White and non-White numbers is the difference in age demographics, a question that the Wilkinson article of course ignores. Her report is a little like some flunky of the captain's reporting that the crystal chandelier in the Main Ballroom on the sinking Titanic is not swaying quite as violently as the silly uninformed passengers, screaming, crawling, praying, sliding hither and thither, perceive. 

     Final Question: If today it is morally justifiable to discriminate against Whites who are trying to get into colleges and universities, as well as those trying to obtain jobs, why can't the same moral justifications be used to crank up anti-White discrimination a few more notches to remove Whites from colleges and universities and from their jobs? Hence in South Africa there are now White shantytowns, some of them housing (shacking?) people holding college degrees.