Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Brett Stevens: Brave New Dead World - "Those of us who reject the ideology of equality and diversity must unite–most likely on the basis of our shared Western European origins."

Brave New Dead World

Members of the French Identitarian movement.
Identity is our destiny.
A new world opened over the last decade, and ideas that would have been taboo in the 1990s wormed their way into respectability. Now even mainstream sources discuss civil rights fatigue and the biological differences between the races.
I believe these changes herald a new era in which the most potent force of all–identity–will reassert itself. Identity cuts to the core of the questions we ask ourselves in quiet moments during restless nights: Why am I here? What is our purpose? What is future of humanity, and where is my place in it?
Identity defines each nation by the triad of culture, heritage and values. It differs from “nation-states” or “proposition nations” that define themselves by geographic boundaries and allegiance to a state ideology and economic system. We might call them “economic nations” because their primary purpose seems to be support for an economy so that the random people they have gathered under a banner can have jobs and entitlements.
An identitarian nation rejects the idea of the modern state. Identitarian nations are peoples. They come together from a common origin and think about their lives as a common way of life. This is not a “lifestyle,” which reduces culture to a product on a shelf for individual consumption. Ways of life originate from a shared origin, purpose, and folkways that have worked for that specific population over the centuries.
Identity looks to the questions of who we are and what is our goal, and recognizes that these questions cannot be answered by ideology. Answers must come from within, both inside the individual through a need for a purpose, and from the group, which has a sense of a shared goals that do not need a strong-arm government to be achieved. . . .