British attitudes harden towards immigrants
A quarter of British people think the main reason immigrants come to the UK is to claim benefits, according to a major survey.
early two-thirds of British people believe immigrants from within the European Union (EU) should wait at least three years before they are allowed to claim welfare benefits, a major survey of social attitudes has shown.
A hardline view of immigrants is revealed in the 31st NatCen Social Research British Social Attitudes survey, in which nearly a quarter of British people said the main reason immigrants came to the UK was to claim benefits.
There was also a considerable drop in the number of people who believed legal immigrants who were not British citizens should have the same legal rights as British citizens – from 40% in 2003 to 27%.
The survey of more than 3,000 Britons was published after Ukip's unprecedented success in the recent local and European elections presented major challenges for all three major political parties. . . .