Sunday, June 29, 2014

Henry St. John: Prof Alexander Dugin - Satan Lives in Moscow - ' the Duginite movement is growing exponentially, while the forces of sanity are being cowed or crushed.' (I've read many opinions on Dugin, but if today's Western liberalism, with its booster-rocket program of White demographic dispossession and genocide, is 'sane,' what must insane look like?)

Satan Lives in Moscow

Alexander Dugin - Sepia

The Ukrainian crisis has instigated an effort by the West to get into Putin’s mind, and this has inevitably led to his advisor, Prof Alexander Dugin, a leading Eurasianist and the architect of Putin’s geopolitics.
Inevitably, Dugin’s anti-liberalism has been a source of grave concern for American commentators. His book, The Fourth Political Theory, has been read with interest by a minority of them, who, though not necessarily in concert with Dugin’s geopolitical aims, do share his negative conclusions regarding liberalism and do recognise the need for something better. Needless to say, these commentators are outside the American mainstream.
Those inside the mainstream, being liberals to a man, have felt very threatened. For them, liberalism and Americanism are one and the same, and Dugin must therefore be a mad philosopher calling for the end of the world.
Among those most threatened, apparently, are the folk at the National Review.They have not only felt the need to publish multiple hit pieces about Dugin, but they have also enlisted a rocket scientist to write them. Enter Robert Zubrin. . . .