Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Brett Stevens, American Renaissance; Ferguson Forever - "Diversity–'uniting' different ethnic groups in a country under capitalist liberal democracy–doesn't work." (Fine piece as far as it goes, but are less diverse blacks better off in Haiti or Nigeria? This is at least a triple whammy: (1) Malignant utopian diversity; (2) Diversity disguising the end of Whites and Western civilization; (3) Black violence, criminality and dysfunction, characteristic worldwide--yes, there are some very good individuals, but that doesn't save us.)

Ferguson Forever

Diversity set Ferguson on fire.
Race riots make Americans uneasy. Every 20 years or so, the elegant surface of our denial cracks and we see the anger that lurks beneath. Ordinary people go through their lives thinking the government has done something about “race relations.” I remember a blonde woman telling me she was voting for Bill Clinton because he was “better on race relations.” We hope that welfare, anti-discrimination laws, witch-hunts and anything else to appease blacks will make the problem go away.
We think we should get what we pay for. We pay taxes. We pay in guilt and mea culpas. We pay every time we watch Hollywood propaganda. We pay whenever an affirmative-action incompetent bungles his job. But despite 150 years of subsidies, bloodshed, violence, and occasional burnt cities, the problem will not go away.
Commentators offer different reasons why Ferguson is burning. They blame racial injustice or militarized police or the police officer who shot an unarmed teenager. Some even blame Michael Brown. But all these explanations miss the truth: Ferguson is symptom, not cause, and the cause is diversity. Diversity–”uniting” different ethnic groups in a country under capitalist liberal democracy–doesn't work. ...