Saturday, August 30, 2014

Occidental Observer -Tobias Langdon - journalist beheadings, Rotherham child rapes, etc - Crock of Shock: Liberal Responses to Vibrant Depravity - "Mass immigration is societal cyanide."

Crock of Shock: Liberal Responses to Vibrant Depravity

A few vibrant rapists from Rotherham

Life has been disturbing for liberals lately. An American journalist is beheadedby a jihadi with a “British accent.” “Shocking,” says the Independent. At least1400 White girls are subject to years of rape by men “of Pakistani heritage” in the Yorkshire town of Rotherham. “Shocking,” says the anti-racist campaigner Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.

Yes, it’s another of those occasions when I wonder whether English is really my mother-tongue. I thought “shocking” news had to contain some element of surprise and unpredictability. But that doesn’t seem to apply here. Britain has been enriched by mass immigration from violent and misogynistic Third World nations. Is it surprising when an enricher with a British accent cuts someone’s head off? Is it surprising when other enrichers commit gang-rape?

Not to me. I think it’s utterly predictable. Recall that smarmy liberal phrase: “of Pakistani heritage.” This is part of the heritage ...