Thursday, October 30, 2014

VDARE - Ann Coulter: Hysterical Media Tell Us To Calm Down About Ebola - "We’re not seeing 'panic.' What we’re seeing is rage that the country is having a deadly disease foisted on it for no good reason."

Ann Coulter: Hysterical Media Tell Us To Calm Down About Ebola

Never Trust a Liberal Over Three-Especially a Republican

In the past week, The New York Times has ridiculed Gov. 
Andrew Cuomo and Gov. Chris Christie for having “fed panic” by ordering quarantines for health workers arriving from Ebola-plagued countries.

NBC News’ Brian Williams opened his broadcast last Friday announcing that the Obama administration was trying “to restrain the Ebola panic.”

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddowcomplained that the “hysteria” over Ebola was getting “stupider.”

I haven’t noticed any panic. If you want panic, review media coverage of the police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. That hair-on-fire coverage was based entirely, it turns out, on the media’s gullibly swallowing inaccurate accounts of the incident. ...