Monday, November 3, 2014

New English Review: Watch / Read Geert Wilders’ Speech in Copenhagen on the 10th Anniversary of Theo Van Gogh’s Assassination - "I remember that morning very well. The press came to my office to ask for a reaction, but hardly anyone could believe that what had happened was really true. We all realized that the Netherlands would never be the same again. Unfortunately few lessons have been learned since that horrible day in 2004."

Watch / Read Geert Wilders’ Speech in Copenhagen on the 10th Anniversary of Theo Van Gogh’s Assassination

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Today is the 10th Anniversary of the assassination of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh  by an Islamikaze Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch Moroccan citizen, on the streets of Amsterdam. Van Gogh’s assassin, Bouyeri is held up as a “hero” by Dutch Muslims. Yesterday, we posted on how this day, a decade ago, changed the life of the  leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) the Hon. Geert Wilders and his family. Today marked the  day when, as a reaction to Van Gogh’s murder, Wilders was placed under 24/7 protection by the Royal Dutch Protective Service. That protection continues reflecting the death theats against Wilder’s life.That hasn’t deterred Wilders from becoming a vigorous critic of  political Islam and defender of the right to criticize a religion. A religion whose doctrine motivated Bouyeri to kill Van Gogh for his short film, Submission, about abuse and denial women’s rights under Islam. ...