Monday, November 10, 2014

Refugee Resettlement Watch - Ann Corcoran: France’s immigration restrictionist politician, Marine Le Pen, has a bright future - 'Where is America’s Marine Le Pen?"

France’s immigration restrictionist politician, Marine Le Pen, has a bright future

Although this Harvard publication works really hard to make sure you have a very negative view of her—right down to the fact (supposed fact) that she had a dispute with her farther-to-the-right father over her pet cat.  Really Harvard Political Review, this is beneath you (well, maybe not!).  Imagine ever seeing a story out of Harvard about a Leftwinger like Hillary or Nancy Pelosi and some petty argument with a family member over a household pet.
Before I get to the news.  This is what I want to know? Where is America’s Marine Le Pen? Or Geert Wilders? Or Nigel Farage? Or Jimmie Akesson?

I know Senator Jeff Sessions is a great leader of the immigration restriction movement, but as a US Senator there isn't a whole lot he can do as a lonely warrior in that body, or as a member of the Republican Party.

Someone has to actually create a competing political party to focus our immigration problem where it should be (in my view)—America’s number one economic, social and national security priority.

Maybe we just haven’t reached the desperate bottom yet as have France, Holland, England or Sweden.
Here is the Harvard Political Review on Le Pen and what they call the “far-right” ...