Sunday, November 9, 2014

Refugee Resettlement Watch - Ann Corcoran - Human rights court: Swiss cannot return Afghan family to Italy - "Looks like it opens the door for an asylum-shopping spree." (As with the UN and U.S. federal courts, 'progress' always means global 'human rights' moving another step forward, with citizenship rights and Western civilization forced to take another ominous step back.)

Human rights court: Swiss cannot return Afghan family to Italy

Invasion of Europe continues….

European Court of Human Rights decision throws EU law out the window as far as I can tell!
The European Union has a long-standing policy that asylum-seekers must be processed in the first country in which they arrive (and governments can send those back which go ‘asylum shopping’ and sneak into other countries), however, here the European Court of Human Rights basically throws the policy out the window.
Looks like it opens the door for an asylum-shopping spree.
Switzerland already has other large costly migrant families they would surely like to send back. ...