Sunday, February 22, 2015

American Thinker: Detroit Muslim assailant will not be charged with a hate crime - 'Black AND Muslim? Well, OK, here is your Get Out of Hate Crime Charges Card!' --tma

Detroit Muslim assailant will not be charged with a hate crime

Image result for Terrence Lavaron Thomas

This past week a Detroit man who is a Muslim stabbed two people at a bus stop after asking them if they were Muslim. The stabbing part came after they responded that they were not.

After the attack, law enforcement was viewing it as a possible hate crime and the FBI was contacted to get involved.

But it has just been reported that the man will not be charged with a hate crime. ...

     The bizarre details of this story remind me of Colin Flaherty's observation that some politically correct police departments will 'investigate' a Black-on-White attack as a possible hate crime and often conclude that it was a 'fight that was a continuation of an earlier argument.' The (almost) funny thing is that sometimes the victim will be someone that looks like an elderly women reference librarian, while the Black guy will look like a NFL linebacker gone to seed--and he attacked her as she was simply walking down the sidewalk, or some such. 

     My guess is that, if they aren't blindsiding someone, they will say some taunting remark, whereupon the White person just tries to get away faster. But the attacker, trying for anything that might justify his predatory behavior, later claims that some argument had first been taking place. 

     But who would be so dumb or dishonest to believe such things? Our 'Celebrate Diversity!' Open-Borders Overlords.