Monday, February 16, 2015

RR Watch - Ann Corcoran -Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage: One simple message about diversity from Copenhagen - "Muslim immigration doesn't bring diversity. Islamic immigration leads only to Islamization. And Islamization is the end of diversity.”

Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage: One simple message about diversity from Copenhagen

Pithy statement of the day…..
“The shootings in Copenhagen targeting a free speech event and a synagogue are an unfortunate reminder that Muslim immigration doesn’t bring diversity. Islamic immigration leads only to Islamization. And Islamization is the end of diversity.”

We have been talking a lot about keeping terrorists out of the refugee stream to America, but the greater threat is that some young Muslims we fed, housed, clothed and educated at great taxpayer expense are choosing the Islamic jihad imperative over prospects for a good life in a free Western country.  What do-gooders don’t get is that Islam trumps having stuff!
Those who don’t choose violent jihad are working to change us from within.