Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Peter Brimelow - VDare: America’s Cultural Marxists Huff, Puff—Try To Shut Down Trump, Immigration Debate - "American politics are now profoundly unstable. The Obama Administration is, bluntly, a Minority Occupation Government. Eventually, the Left may succeed in Electing A New People—but for the next few election cycles, whites still cast by far the largest proportion of votes. At all costs, the Left must keep the historic American nation from uniting"

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America’s Cultural Marxists Huff, Puff—Try To Shut Down Trump, Immigration Debate

The Big Bad Wolf famously huffed and puffed and blew the little pigs’ houses down. Social Justice Warriors in the Democratic/ Main Stream Media complex are trying the same technique on the GOP over the Confederate Battle Flag (successfully) and on Donald Trump over his mentioning hatefacts about Mexican immigration (unsuccessfully so far).
But the bottom line: Cultural Marxist totalitarianism is coming to an America near you. In fact, it’s already here ...