Tuesday, August 25, 2015

American Thinker - Clarice Feldman: Where did 'political correctness' originate? - Not mentioned: All part of centuries old Jewish-Gentile clash of civilizations --tma

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The prolific Michael Walsh  has just released a book, The Devil's Pleasure Palace, in which he sheds light on the background of political correctness, which I imagine most of our readers find as offensive as I do.  He traces, to the Frankfurt School (an outgrowth of Karl Marx's works), speech codes and other efforts – which defy reason and foreclose dissent to the leftist cultural monopoly – to compel concurrence with things "our culture used to recognize as antithetical to a moral society." 

Walsh explains that the leftists' work was "grounded on an ideology that demanded ... for philosophical reasons, an unremitting assault on Western values and institutions, including Christianity, the family, conventional sexual morality, nationalistic patriotism, and adherence in general to any institution or set of beliefs that blocked the path of revolution."  In his words, the Frankfurt School "hated the old narrative of a confident, muscular Christian West."  In its place, they created what he calls "the anti-Narrative," which makes us begin to question our own history.

With Hitler's rise to power and World War II, the Frankfurt School leaders went into exile here and found a home in American universities, particularly Columbia University. ...
