Sunday, December 3, 2017

RRW - Muslim inundated Garden City, KS: Atlantic Mag contributing editor, Peter Beinart, wants taxpayers to fund special cemeteries for Muslims - Won't assimilate even in death - When Trump got elected Beinart's message was ‘F*** You America’

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Posted by Ann Corcoran on December 2, 2017
In his hilarious screed I reported here, Beinart says in critical tones that I (“anti-Muslim bigot” Ann Corcoran) oppose Muslim refugee’s efforts to require “local government to pay for a Muslim cemetery.”
Don’t you?
Peter Beinart
Learn more about Beinart here at Horowitz’s Discover the Networks.  He gets a lengthy page all for himself:
In so doing one can only conclude that Beinart is supportive of such an effort—-Muslims wanting nothing to do with infidels even in the grave.
So much for assimilation.
Okay, I get that, but are taxpayers of small town America supposed to support that desire.  I sure hope we aren’t creating separate cemeteries or separate sections of cemeteries to accommodate every other religion with public funds.
One thing I never understand about Leftwingers is that they squawk all the time about separation of church and state until the government financing works out in their (Leftwing group’s) favor.

His reference to my concern comes from this story I posted in 2010 where a group of Muslim refugees approached the Garden City, KS Commissioners seeking special treatment in a community cemetery.  I don’t know if they ever got their special favor for special people, but I do know that Garden City has been inundated with refugee workers for Tyson Foods and the town’s elected officials have been ‘captured’ as a result.
Again, one can only conclude that if opposition to public-funded cemeteries are evidence of anti-Muslim bias then conversely Beinart is in favor of taxpayers of America supporting the Muslim ‘faith’ with special treatment.
And, one more thing, if you missed it at the time, Beinart had a Christmas message for you almost exactly one year ago, in the wake of Donald Trump’s election:

 ‘F*** You America’

(Readers, I apologize, but I had to make the point!)