Friday, February 2, 2018

NBC News - Germany:'s vast rumblings of voter discontent, especially in the East - Many paragraphs down we read of unpopularity of Merkel's Muslim invasion --tma

KÖTHEN, Germany — In a quiet and somewhat-dated restaurant in the eastern German countryside, an animated Daniel Roi is trying to explain an earthquake.
With his imposing frame, trimmed beard and blue blazer, the 30-year-old is part of a far-right, populist uprising that has left his country's political elite in disarrayand wounded its once all-powerful leader, Angela Merkel.
Many of Roi's concerns echo those of the supporters of President Donald Trump. Fears about Muslims, immigrants and their perceived impact on jobs and national identity are common topics of conversation in this part of the world. ...
     When we reach this article's ending spin we read that it is hard to fight feelings with facts. What a laugh! What "facts" do the Globalists provide? They just appeal to glow words like 'compassion' and that we need to be 'welcoming.' Or they use scare words, trying to tar their opponents with accusations of 'far-right' or 'neo-Nazi' Or they outright attempt to jail or censor their opponents for 'hate speech,' sometimes for simply questioning the establishment's never-approved-by-voters suicidal open borders policies.