Saturday, August 17, 2019

Breitbart - Sheila Jackson Lee: ’Racism’ a ‘National Security Threat’— need to spend ‘Huge Sums of Money’ - Forget free speech, whites to be banned from THINKING 'racist' - 3rd worlders in power like dazed incoherent kids in a candy store --tma


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) on Tuesday declared that “racism” is “a national security threat” and urged President Donald Trump’s administration to invest more federal funds to “get into the lives” and “minds” of young white males who are “drawn to white militia, white supremacy, white nationalism because they have nothing else to do.”
“I believe that racism… should be declared a national security threat,” Jackson Lee said during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing. “Racism is a national security threat. Before, we would say, ‘you have a right to your racist views. You have a right to believe that slavery was right. That segregation was right.’ We live in an era where that can no longer be allowed.”

Before insisting again that “racism is a national security threat,” Jackson Lee added that she is a “huge believer in civil liberties and the Bill of Rights, and particularly the first amendment of the Constitution.” ...