Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Campus Reform - George Washington University: Students sign petition to ban 'offensive' white man in crosswalk signs - Good news? Once the US dis-aggregates white lefties will be able to merrily live cheek-to-jowl with Muslims, blacks and Hispanic street gangs! --tma


With the rise of politically correct culture, students and universities have vehemently pushed for diversity and inclusivity movements, resulting in many things being labeling “offensive.”

In the past, students have signed fake petitions to ban “offensive” holidays like Valentine’s Day and even Christmas to push diversity and inclusion.

Amid these ongoing diversity and inclusivity movements, Campus Reform went to George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where students previously voted to ban their “offensive” Colonials mascot. GW students also previously told Campus Reform that President Barack Obama is the best president in U.S. history. ...