Sunday, August 11, 2019

Oregonian: Will Proud Boys, Antifa showdown mark a tipping point for Portland?- This article could have been written by Antifa with a few tweaks for fake objectivity - If they showed up, the most milquetoast Romney GOPer would be considered 'white supremacist' - Almost too good to be true--police chief? African woman named "Outlaw." --tma

Image result for anarcho-tyranny
Project for NAG

Summer is a time for bike rides and cold craft beer in Portland. Lately, it’s also been a time for bear spray and bursts of violence.
For nearly three years, rival political factions have descended on the city’s downtown. They’ve vented and raged. Too often, they’ve beaten and brawled with one another. ...
     Antifa has been known to stop hapless senior citizens driving through Portland in broad daylight, smash up their cars and threaten them--and the cops DO NOTHING. Welcome to anarcho-tyranny: Elites allied with the underclass against the middle and working class.