Saturday, August 1, 2020

Allensworth: Middle American Resistance Organizing—But Who Will Lead? - Armed Texans defend the Alamo and halt a Confederate statue take-down --tma

Ignore the bogus claims of a “popular” #resistance to President Trump’s “tyranny.” Quietly, a real resistance is rising against the anti-American, anti-white, anti-Christian pseudo-religion that threatens the safety, property, and historic rights of America’s core population. 
Here in my native Texas, armed citizens rallied to defend the Alamo, cradle of Texas independence and forge of Texan identity, from a Leftist mob. And in the Leftist blue heaven of our state capital, Austin, an armed motorist shot and killed an AK-47 toting terrorist who, together with his riotous BLM co-mobsters, was blocking a city thoroughfare. Finally, the good citizens of Weatherford stopped an attack on a Confederate monument.
Texans are fighting back, and likely won’t be the only Americans to do so. ...