Monday, August 24, 2020

The Great Awokening Leading To The Great Retraction—And A New Dark Age For Science


The “Great Awokening”—the Maoist Cultural Revolution we are living through—is impacting academia heavily[The Great Awokening and the Second American Revolution, by Eric KaufmannQuillette, June 22, 2020]. We’ve seen the closing of the London Conference on Intelligence in 2018 and the firing of researcher Noah Carl by Cambridge University partly for attending the London Conference on Intelligence. 

But also in 2018, a mathematics journal retracted and then deleted all evidence of a study that drew allegedly sexist conclusions (it supported the thesis that male intelligence has greater variability). I said at the time that Political Correctness was finally invading hard science and that this would lead to a new, anti-rational Dark Age. Since then, evidence is mounting that the Great Awokening is indeed leading to a Great Retraction which—exactly as Mao urged—puts politics in command. ...