Wednesday, August 12, 2020

VDARE YouTube page has been terminated without warning for “hate speech,” an offence unknown to American law, i.e., we have been purged for daring to ask inconvenient questions regarding the future of the American Republic.


Just like so many channels before us, the VDARE YouTube page has been terminated without warning for “hate speech,” an offence unknown to American law, i.e., we have been purged for daring to ask inconvenient questions regarding the future of the American Republic. Of course, we are appealing this move. But we know that we have to find—in fact, possibly expensively build—alternatives.

The YouTube channel had many unique videos and more than 12,000 subscribers. It was, to put it mildly, by no means as large as other channels that have been purged (American Renaissance, InfoWarsStefan MolyneuxNick Fuentes or RedIce, to name just a few digitally exterminated with a click of the button by an anonymous Google employee). But it was growing quickly ...