Friday, August 28, 2020

Noah Arnold: Patriot Strength in Numbers Stopped BLM In Berkeley Springs WV - "Counter-protesters outnumbered the Black Lives Matter demonstrators 10-1"

More thoughts on the Aug. 21 Patriot rout of Black Lives Matter in Berkeley Springs WV: It really felt more like a Trump rally as opposed to the Cultural Marxist white-guilt ceremony the event-planners had in mind.

Unprecedented traffic into the little town made travelling to cover the event a near nightmare. Motorcycles and pick-up trucks, ecumenically equipped with Confederate Battle Flags, Union flags and Trump flags, filled the downtown street. From the parking lot of a nearby bank we were able to hear the National Anthem roaring from a loudspeaker, followed by chants of “All Lives Matter!”—not a typical BLM war cry.  A semi-truck was parked beside the courthouse with nearly a dozen US flags. We thought surely there was a mix-up and that this couldn’t possibly be the right address.

But it was. Counter-protesters outnumbered the Black Lives Matter demonstrators 10-1. ...