... Bill Head's face was a furious red. His right food moved a little backward and his right fist jumped from its idle position, without warning of any kind, and smashed Surratt on the chin. Surratt fell backward against the cell wall; he dropped to his knees. His head sagged down and he supported himself with stiff arms a moment, his shoulders swaying.
"Do that again," growled Bolderback,"and I'll bend a gun over your skull, Bill."
George Bernay's voice came into the cell, strained and passionate, "Head, I'd like to kill you for that!" Hughie Grant, beside Bernay, abruptly cocked his eyes on Bernay. "Easy George. You ain't among friends."
Ab Cameron spoke out his sickened, heartfelt protest, "That's no way for a white man to act, Bill"
--Ernest Haycox, Trail Smoke, 1935, p. 142
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