Gavin McInnes, Taki's Magazine, 3/29/2013
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I grew up in the LA suburbs when that city was still mostly white and conservative and had a conservative mayor. Two major events destroyed Los Angeles. The first can be summed up in the film 'Chinatown.' The second was the federal government opening up U.S. borders to massive legal and illegal third-world in-migration.
To me it is unintentionally comical that when white writers characterize a certain city, its styles, manners, personalities, etc, they talk almost exclusively about their fellow whites. You have to wonder if we will still be doing this when we are down to comprising, say, five percent of America's population. It will be like, "Another thing about Memphis. Every green-eyed redhead I met was named Natalie!" Of course by then there will only be one remaining green-eyed redhead in the entire Memphis Metro Area, who happens to be named Natalie.