Why Lindsey Graham's Support for Immigration Reform Isn't Popular in South Carolina
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CHARLESTON, S.C. – Avery and Susan Burns don’t like the immigration-reform bill in the U.S. Senate one bit. “People come here illegally, and now we’re giving them the red carpet,” grumbled Avery, a 71-year-old doctor, climbing the steps of the public library on a recent morning.
His disgust is making him reconsider his support for home-state Sen. Lindsey Graham, the only Republican sponsor of the bill who is up for reelection in 2014. Yet Susan said she’d still vote for Graham because he’s a “strong Republican,” recalling his leadership during former President Clinton’s impeachment.
The retired couple’s reaction shows why Graham has reason to be on his toes, but not to panic.
Immigration reform is not popular in this heavily conservative state, which followed Arizona’s lead and passed a tough crackdown on illegal immigrants two years ago. ...
Graham has spent the past decade building a reputation as one of the biggest military hawks in the Senate, an image that serves as a conservative counterweight to his role in immigration reform. ...
Apparently "one of biggest military hawks" does not include defending U.S. borders.
“He doesn't have to win on immigration. His larger profile is on national security, and that’s not going to change,” said Charleston-based Republican strategist Jim Dyke. ...
Apparently "national security" does not include defending U.S. borders.
Mega-donor Sheldon Adelson hosted a fundraiser for Graham on Tuesday in Las Vegas. ...
The usual suspects.
Graham has weathered blowback from anti-immigrant and other conservative groups before. When he championed a similar proposal during President Bush’s second term ...
Of course the National Journal reports that you are "anti-immigrant" if you simply don't want illegal aliens amnestied. In 2013 this is considered unbiased professional journalism.
As for also championing the Bush II amnesty attempts, it is obvious that Graham, like his fellow enabler John McCain, is like a slobbery amnesty-intoxicated drunk, beyond any known cure--except defeat at the polls.
Graham is also receiving some political cover from Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, one of the most popular Republicans in the country, who is leading the reform campaign in the media. ...
More recent polls show media and neocon darling, and GOP Wonderboy--We got us a real live Republican Cuban!--Marco Rubio is becoming less popular each day as he champions rewarding the invaders of America.