Mark Steyn Channels Sam Francis–Without Naming Him
By James Kirkpatrick on July 26, 2014
In the post-Derbyshire era, the most talented, prolific, and ideologically sound writer at National Review – and I would argue in the entirety of the Beltway Right — was Mark Steyn. Steyn’s books America Alone and AfterAmerica are crucial reading for anyone concerned about the National Question, and in recent years Steyn has become increasingly vocal on immigration questions. Perhaps more importantly, he’s also become an important critic of failing American institutions like the legal system — which opens the door to him becoming a far more subversive and substantial writer.
Unfortunately, Steyn no longer writes at National Review – ostensibly because of a difference in legal strategies in a lawsuit about the supposed credentials of a global warming advocate. While Steyn has hardly been silenced — he’s still an occasional guest host for Rush Limbaugh, among other things — the loss of such an important voice at National Review was a real misfortune for immigration patriots, and perhaps sealed that institution’s death spiral into GOP hucksterism and total irrelevance.
Steyn continues to write at his website. His most recent column on immigration is a typically bracing report on the United States government compensating for ignoring illegals by terrifying a Boy Scout troop, of all things. ...