The Kennewick Man Finally Freed to Share His Secrets
The corps immediately claimed authority ... and demanded that all scientific study cease. ... 'I knew trouble was coming.' ... Owsley assembled a group of eight plaintiffs, prominent physical anthropologists and archaeologists connected to leading universities and museums. But no institution wanted anything to do with the lawsuit, which promised to attract negative attention and be hugely expensive. They would have to litigate as private citizens. 'These were people,' Schneider said to me later, 'who had to be strong enough to stand the heat, knowing that efforts might be made to destroy their careers. And efforts were made.' ... biggest threat came from the Justice Department itself. ... 93 government attorneys directly involved in the case or cc’ed on documents. ... Even as Congress was readying a bill to require the corps to preserve the site, the corps dumped a million pounds of rock and fill over the area for erosion control, ending any chance of research. ... judge, John Jelderks, had noted for the record that the corps on multiple occasions misled or deceived the court. ... The first effort to extract DNA from fragments of his bone failed, and the corps so far hasn't allowed a better sample to be taken. ... Much to the scientists’ dismay, the corps would not allow the stone to be analyzed, which might reveal where it was quarried. ... The corps, which still controls the skeleton, denied Owsley’s request to conduct numerous tests, including a histological examination of thin, stained sections of bone to help fix Kennewick Man’s age. ...
At least three positives: (1) The heroic efforts of these scientists and those who aided them; (2) What has been learned and will be learned from Kennewick Man; (3) A beautifully perfect Type-A museum specimen of our Occupation Government relentlessly grinding away at its evil machinations, and in an area that is highly symbolic.
One aspect that has been removed from the current account, or at least the part that I recently read, is that some local experts who first examined the remains flat-out said that the bones were that of a white man (the first clay modeling looked a lot like actor Patrick Stewart). I believe this was probably what initially put the fear of God into our intolerant Tolerance Police. Since whites cruelly taking America away from today's noble Native Americans, the original inhabitants, is almost up there with the Martin Luther King Narrative. Imagine one skeleton find that could upturn all that wonderful white guilt and the booming Anti-White Grievance Industry. It is reminiscent of Charlton Heston in 'Planet of the Apes' trying to prove he was not an ignorant lowly worthless savage by tossing a paper airplane across the room, to be quickly crumpled up and hidden by the fictional Army Corps of Engineers-like ape.