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Day after day the above has been pictured on Amazon's Seller Central homepage, while the Amazon Prime ads for many months picture what is supposed to be a White husband with Black wife and mixed-race kids in a glowing idyllic household setting, enjoying Amazon Prime. Notice in the photo above the happy chirpy personable blonde warmly hanging over the studious Black guy who obviously would only think of her in platonic terms, even if she might be willing. Remind you of anything? Like about about a thousand Hollywood movies?
Since only a teensy percentage of Amazon's potential customers must be mixed-race couples, there is obviously another, larger agenda to this endless flood of propaganda, one that works to promote, especially given open borders and vastly differential birthrates and Black-on-White violent crime rates, the eventual end of Western civilization and Westerners.
Like so many huge companies, Amazon isn't content just trying to sell more products. No, they want to engineer us out of existence, so that everyone can be just a raceless cultureless consuming cheap-labor cog in the global selling and manufacturing machine. And yet, strangely, it is only Whites in all Western nations who are slated for demographic extinction. Go figure.