Why are we taking “refugees” from South Africa? (admission in KY Thanksgiving dinner story)
You should know that one of the favorite PR gambits of the US refugee resettlement contractors is to get lovely refugees-first-Thanksgiving stories published at this time of year. They are masters at planting warm and fuzzy propaganda, and that is one reason we write this blog—LOL! to balance the news!
John Koehlinger, Director Kentucky Refugee Ministries: “This is the one holiday we feel like all of the clients can celebrate.” Does he mean whether they are Muslims or Christians?
If you search around today, you will see that stories were published in several cities about the generosity of the contractors (no doubt using your tax dollars!) in feeding a scrumptious dinner to newly arrived refugees (their “clients”). But, that isn’t why I’m writing. There were a few lines in the USA Today story that got my attention and I want to share them with you.
Remember that legitimate asylum seekers must be able to prove persecution (for religion, race, or political persuasion) when they get to the first SAFE COUNTRY after leaving their place of persecution. They are to ask for asylum in that first safe country. They aren’t supposed to be hopping around the world from safe country to safe country shopping for the best deal!
So why the hell are we taking black African “refugees” from the Rainbow Nation of South Africa which was supposedly built on the notion that no matter what color you were, you were in a country that WELCOMED everyone!
Mulungula “Nico” Mungela is the Congolese ‘star of the story’ (this must be J-school 101, put a sympathetic character in your opening paragraph!) at USA Today and in 2006 he left DR Congo and arrived in South Africa—the Rainbow Nation—a SAFE country.
Now does this sound like a “refugee?” Within 3 years he had two new Master’s degrees, and a good college instructor job in the Rainbow Nation. Are we to believe that all that equality talk from Nelson Mandela was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo? (It may be for South African whites, but Mungela was a black man in a country run by all black leaders!).
By the way, this isn’t to criticize Mr. Mungela who just took advantage of a good thing, it is to question UNHCR and US State Department policy that has become a lawless free-for-all policy without any supervision by Congress where we are just slapping on that refugee label and bringing them in from anywhere!
From USA Today (emphasis is mine):
His journey took him south through Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and finally into South Africa, by bus, boat, ship, and hitching rides. He was robbed once right in the middle of a road in Tanzania. ...