Editor’s note: Recently, Jean-Marie Le Pen was interviewed by a major Russian newspaper,Komsomolskaia Pravda, about several subjects, including the "Charlie Hebdo" attacks and the relationship between the EU, U.S., and Russia. Selectively quoted, this interview caused a major uproar in the French media, making Le Pen retract some of his statements. Here it is reproduced in full. The Editors · January 17, 2015
This 86-year-old politician is a French legend. Jean-Marie Le Pen is the founder of the Front National party and a member of the European Parliament. As a teenager, he participated in the French Resistance. He fought in the airborne troops in Indochina and Algeria. This old man gets up from his chair with difficulty and politely reaches for my hand. His left eye was damaged in a street brawl, but he sees women perfectly well with his right one. A Frenchman is a Frenchman. "A beauty, who came to us out of the Russian cold," he says to me politely. This is flattery, of course, but what woman does not melt from such compliments?
Monsieur Le Pen, you were the first to make the statement, “I am not Charlie.” Why?
I am not Charlie Hebdo. This anarchist rag was a direct enemy of our party, the National Front, and a few years ago its journalists were collecting signatures for a petition demanding to shut us down. And all these politicians, who attended the demonstration: they are not Charlie, but Charlot! (Comedians or clowns in France.—Interviewer.) They can organize a show with a powerful media attack and the slogan "I am Charlie," temporarily mobilizing the nation, but they are incapable of protecting the country from the influx of immigrants from the south. I would like to be Charlie Martel. (This was the battleship in the French naval forces named after the French military leader Charles Martel. –Interviewer) Martel, this brilliant French warrior, stopped the Arab invasion at Poitiers in 732.
But this is 2015!
Yes, and there are 15-20 million Muslims living in France. All French governments, both the Left and Right, allowed immigration and even encouraged it. Every year sees the arrival of 300,000 people, and they are not searching for work. In France, six to eight million people are on welfare, which suggests that this immigration is not about guest workers and labor, but about conquest. This is the result of the general Christian and European decadence. Europe banned borders within the EU. And now, hundreds of thousands of people enter France from the south, which no one defends. This is what internal European betrayal looks like.
But, in part, France itself is to blame. People escape from war and chaos. After all, it was France that turned Libya into ruins! ...