Lawmakers say it's time to reconsider Islamic immigration
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Even members of Congress are now recognizing it's time to wake up and smell the jihad and reconsider our immigration policies with regard to the Islamic world. And not a moment too soon.
Word trickled out this week that the Obama administration plans to admit four times the number of refugees from Syria as we have in the past. This has quite naturally raised fears that among these refugees will be Muslim jihadists who mean us harm.
Mike McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said yesterday it would be a "huge mistake" to admit these refugees into the United States, for the simple reason that it is impossible to vet them all and make any kind of realistic assessment as to which of them might pose a threat to our national security.
Despite assurances from representatives of DHS that these refugees would be given "the most rigorous screening," FBI Assistant Director Michael Steinbach saidthat's impossible. There are simply no available law enforcement databases that would have any useful information on past criminal or jihadi activity on the part of these would-be refugees.
Said Steinbech, "You have to have information to vet. Databases don't [have] the information on those individuals, and that's the concern...[T]he databases won't have the information we need. ...