Europe must follow Australian model (turn back the boats) or die!
It is so clear to anyone with a brain, that the only way to stop the ‘Invasion of Europe’ from North Africa is to stop the boats before they even launch from Libya and other ports in North Africa.

Where is America’s Tony Abbott?
The UNHCR could then care for the so-called asylum seekers in camps in Africa.
But, the European Union is saying NO WAY! So, I guess they will all go down as the European ship sinks!
From the Malta Independent:
The European Union will not be adopting Australia’s migration methods despite Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s claim that some Europeans are seeking policy advice.
The EU’s executive Commission says Canberra does not respect the international standard on protecting refugees of “non-refoulement,” which is a U.N. principle prohibiting expulsion to a country where they could face violence or prison.
Commission migration spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud said Monday that the EU “applies the principle of non-refoulement — we have no intention of changing this — so of course the Australian model can never be a model for us.”
Australia’s migration model was widely cited in debate at the European Parliament last week, as the EU struggles to cope with thousands of migrants seeking to enter Europe via Libya.
Read it all here.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe‘ series here, and check out how Australia is saving migrants’ lives (and discouraging more illegal migration) by turning boats back to the countries from which they launched (Australia category, here).
And, remember American readers, this is about you too as we are taking some of Malta’s illegal aliens and dropping them into your towns ...
That practice was begun, illegally I contend, by the Bush Administration.