Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 10, 2015
Invasion of Europe news…..
There is so much invasion news from Europe I hardly know what to post. Today I’ve chosen this story about protests in a small Czech Republic town as the German government is placing 80 refugees in an old customs building just inside the German border.

Photo is from a rally in June in the city of Brno. The Czechs do not want Middle Eastern and African refugees resettled there.
From Prague Post:
Dubi, North Bohemia, Aug 8 (ČTK) — Several hundred people from the Czech Republic and Germany protested against the arrival of refugees at the former customs building on the Czech-German border crossing Cinovec-Zinnwald today, Mayor Petr Pipal has told journalists.
The refugees are to be provided accommodation there at the end of September and beginning of October, Pipal said.
Pipal said as this was a decision of German authorities he could not influence it in any way.
“We do not have any influence on this,” Pipal said.
The Saxon town of Altenberg wants to accommodate the refugees in the former customs building. The capacity of the facility will be 110 places, while some 80 refugees from Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are to be placed there.
“These will be the people who have come through detention centers, passed medical check-ups and have the relevant documents,” Pipal said.
Pipal said he would like to ease the tension, planning a meeting with the police and residents of Cinovec.
The locals are afraid of the arrival of the refugees, resenting the fact that they cannot influence it.
We are told the refugees will be allowed to leave the center for “walks” during the day, but will not supposedly be allowed to cross the border into the Czech Republic. ...