Sarah Palin was ridiculed for claiming foreign policy experience and saying "I can even see Russia from my window!" (which in fact she never said--Tina Fey said it while impersonating her). Well, now Jeb Bush has his own "I can see Mexico from my window moment" because in an interview he asserts that he was "border state" governor.
While it is true that the border of the United States runs, among other places, along the coastlines of Florida, the term "border state" is commonly meant to mean a state that borders another country. I think no one, for example, would consider New Jersey or Delaware to be "border states" even though they have access to the ocean either. While Florida probably has more illegals entering by boat than New Jersey or Delaware, it is certainly only a trickle compared to the massive numbers who cross into Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, or California. (Or, if you're a Scott Walker fan, New Hampshire).
But Bush wants to portray himself as an experienced, tough governor, so he called himself a "border state governor". I think the pressure is starting to get to him. ...